Bianca Lincks
Marketing Expert

Bianca Lincks
Bianca has 15+ years of marketing management and digital strategy experience, mostly in the real estate industry, where she developed and executed marketing processes that included lead generation strategies, online advertising, SEO, social media marketing and promotional programs.
Bianca managed budget and ROI, focusing on the revenue generation to add value to her clients. She is well versed in all online platforms including; Facebook Business, Google Ads and Analytics, SEO tools, Automation Marketing Software (HubSpot and RDStation), Design apps, Video editing apps, Chatbot tool, WordPress, etc.
She has worked for a variety of retail developers, including [Orlando FL] Bellavista Building Group, WRA Real Estate Solutions, Magic Village Development; [Balneario Camboriu – Brazil] G.Laffitte Building Group, Brava Beach Group, FG Empreendimentos, etc.
In all her work with these developers, Bianca was able to add value to the projects to achieve the goals of the companies. She effectively achieved or surpassed revenue objectives established in the annual budgets. Of note, recently, as a consultant, she and the company’s team were able to generate exclusively online more than $1M per month in land sales.
She managed corporate marketing and communications functions, overseeing per year a $1.2M budget, and as a result of a strategy, her client reached $5M of revenue in just two promotional events in Brazil, with the presence of celebrities like the soccer player Neymar.
Bianca has taught digital marketing courses and has developed online courses for Lincks Marketing Academy.
She is passionate about connecting people and making a difference through marketing strategies.
All this experience can be now at your service!